5. helmikuuta 2013

meri-rastilan aluefoorumi NOTES

Here are the 4 conclusion comments about the KSV plan for Meri-Rastila that I talked about last night in the aluefoorumi.

-Unfair use of the city’s green resources
+ For "Meri-Rastilans" or for the rest of Helsinki’s residents

-Does not benefit the community
+ No real attempt to upgrade
+ No master-plan (Osayleiskaava) for the whole of Meri-Rastila

-Unsustainable design approach
+ No green thinking in the first and most important stage of planning - just more “sprawl”

-Outdated planning strategy
+ Little community involvement
+ Little multi-disciplinary involvement

Tristan Hughes

1 kommentti:

  1. Hi Tristan!

    Thank you and Marcelo for presenting the KSV plan yesterday. You had some very good points.

    I wish you would e-mail your comments as a "muistutus" to the "lautakunta". The deadline is the 11th of February and the address is helsinki.kirjaamo@hel.fi
